members code of conduct
The Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc (SPC Inc) is an association whose objectives are to:
(a) build and enhance general health and mental wellbeing through creative endeavours in an inclusive environment.
(b) enhance and support creative endeavours in an inclusive environment by:
(i) providing artistic recreational pursuits to club members and community members from all skill levels including but not limited to aged, disadvantaged and disability groups.
(ii) developing and enhancing general wellbeing through creative arts including but not limited to pottery/ceramics, printmaking, drawing, painting and sculpture.
(iii) providing low cost, not for profit immersion in arts activities.
(iv) fostering and promoting arts to the community.
General rules for SPC Inc members to follow for the benefit and safety of all members:
1. Members recognize that only bona fide and /or guest members are entitled to enter the club’s shed to work in compliance with insurance.
2. Members acknowledge their involvement with the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc is a privilege and not an entitlement.
3. Any changes to the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc Rules must be discussed and agreed to at a special meeting of club members. See Club Rule 33.
4. Members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their abilities, gender, religion or cultural background.
5. If a dispute does arise, members agree to settle it through calm discussion and goodwill. If the issue remains unresolved, members will accept the consensus of the group. This will be decided at a meeting attended by club members.
6. Members must respect and abide by the group consensus of decisions and not publish material disrespecting individual members or the Club on social media or written communication to any third party.
7. Members must complete the attendance register each time they visit or work in the Club shed in compliance with COVID19 regulations. This is also linked to Public Liability coverage: no entry, no coverage in the event of injury.
8. Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc members are required to volunteer to ensure that the club remains operational and that the workload is shared. If unable to volunteer, a contribution is required or the membership renewal shall be delayed the following year.
9. Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc members are urged to attend group meetings and working bees. This is an opportunity to swap information, share any concerns and to meet new members.
10. Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc members should always be aware of the safety of themselves and others when using tools and working at the club.
11. Personal Protection Equipment must be used when using tools or handling materials that require it.
12. All areas and equipment must be cleaned to the standard approved by the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc and cleaned equipment returned to their assigned location after use.
13. As we operate under environmentally sustainable principles, disposal of clay, raw materials and glazes will follow regulations and safety procedures set by Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc.
14. Should a member wish to store personal equipment in the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc shed, this should be clearly marked with the owner’s name and only on the member’s allocated shelf. No responsibility for personal property will be accepted by the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc.
SPC Inc – Member’s Code of Conduct 2.12.24