
Want to become a Member?

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Click Here from 1 Feb 2025

Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. memberships are an annual subscription commencing on 1st January every year.

Ordinary Membership: $60 per annum, this equates to just over $1 per week.

Concessional / Student Membership: $30 per annum. Proof of concession / student card required.

Junior Membership*: $30 per annum. *From 12 years old to under 18 years old at the time of joining. Junior members must be supervised by a guardian while at the Club’s shed. The supervisor must be a member of the club, unless they hold a companion card.

Hardship Membership is for those doing it tough – contact the Management Committee by email for consideration in this case.

A reminder email will be sent to current members each December to prompt payment of membership due for the new year. Memberships are managed through hello club website.

Membership entitles you to :

attend the pottery club during opening hours and use the facilities provided. Attendance fee of $7 per session,

• buy clay at good prices,

• have access to a small range of club glazes at no charge

• have access to firing, paid per kg

first options to ceramic workshops held throughout the year.

Members are asked to attend an induction session and uphold the club’s operational health and safety protocols as agreed in the membership agreement and abide by the Club’s Rules of Association and the Code of Conduct

As we are a volunteer run club, Members are required to contribute their time to various activities throughout the year, like cleaning bees, and managing stalls etc. If they cannot participate, instead they can donate $60 to the club in lieu of their time. Failure to do the required hours, or pay the participation fee, will automatically terminate their membership at the end of the calendar year. If they wish to re-gain membership they must join the wait list of new people wishing to become members. Previous membership in no way guarantees a new position.

New membership opportunities open 1 February each year.

A monthly newsletter is sent via email to keep everyone up to date in the pottery club and for future ceramic workshops and exhibitions. Subscribe to the newsletter by using the form below to keep informed of the pottery club’s news.

Due to the popularity of the club, we sometimes have to close membership opportunities. If you have any questions about membership please email: