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What is Terracotta?
Terracotta, also known as terra cotta or terra-cotta (from the Latin terra cocta 'cooked earth'), is a clay-based non-vitreous ceramic usually fired at relatively low temperatures…
How Long Does It Really Take To Make a Mug
If you’ve ever wondered how much to charge for selling a ceramic piece that you have made, have a look at this short instagram to put it in perspective.
What is Kurinuki?
Kurinuki translates in Japanese 'to hollow' and is a traditional technique to make pottery from carving away from a single block of clay. Hollowing out clay in this way is a slow and meditative process…
Marbling Clay
Marbling clay is the process for creating multiple colour layers or effects in your pottery. You can either use different coloured clays, or you can stain the clay to produce different colours…
Kneading Clay 101
Most commercial clays are pretty much right to be used straight out of the bag, however a lot of potters believe some kneading of the clay is essential to prepare it for use…
Sealing Your Pot
There are a few ways to seal your pot so that it holds water depending upon what clay you have used. If it is only earthenware fired then you will either need to glaze it in a clear or solid glaze on either the interior or the exterior.
Sacrificial Plates
Sacrificial plates are clay tiles specially prepared and fired to place under your ceramic pieces when they are glaze fired. They are placed there by the kiln packing team in an attempt to prevent any glazes from running off your piece and onto the kiln shelf...
Can Clay Go Down the Drain?
As you probably know, you should never use a sink that is connected directly to normal household plumbing to rinse off your clay-covered hands or tools. If you do so without a clay trap to catch the clay particles, then they will settle inside your drain pipe and eventually clog it.
Fixing Cracks in Clay Handles
Clay handles can be tricky to dry. They can quite often crack at the joint as your pottery dries out. Or, even if they are attached well, they might crack in the middle of the handle splitting it into two parts…
What is Spooze?
When you have cracks in dried greenware, there are 2 ways of repairing them. One is the often-tried mixture of vinegar, toilet paper, and slurry. The other is "Spooze".
Tips to Help Your Wheel Throwing
Don’t expect too much to begin with. As with any new hobby or skill, you need to expect it to be difficult to start with. ..
Another Use For Toiletpaper?
Another Use for Toiletpaper?
If you have a substantial crack in your bisqueware you can use toilet paper mixed with slip to fill it in - as seen on The Great Canadian Pottery Throwdown to great effect.
Carrying a Wareboard
Well folks ......... what do you do after a 24hr plane journey........ you get on the wheel and throw a few pots ! 😊
Glaze Techniques 101
As the name suggests these are the various techniques for glazing your pots. There are plenty more but these are the main types.
Choosing the Right Clay
When it comes to pottery, choosing the right clay is crucial for achieving the desired results. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of clay…
How to Choose a Pottery Wheel
Looking to buy a pottery wheel? There are several points to consider before you purchase;
How to Get Rid of Mould
Finding that your pottery clay has gone mouldy is very common. Clay needs to be kept moist to stay workable and it contains organic matter. These are perfect conditions for the growth of mould…
Crack Filler
Grind up some dry clay of the type you are using, fire it in a bisque firing and keep it in a jar. It can be put through a fine sieve…
Lid Stuck On?
If you make really good fitting lids and at the leather hardstage they have the habit of getting stuck, pierce a small hole in the bottom of the pot …
Smooth Slip Application
The grey sponge brushes that are very cheap in 2 Dollar shops are great for laying on smooth slip areas, especially when banding on the wheel…