October 2021
ISSUE #013
Hello Potters
Only 3 weeks to go to Expressions 2021 and Monday 11 October is the last day for entry applications. So if you still need to enter, use the button below in the Expressions section to get your entries in fast. We are still looking for help with the running of Expressions, information is below in the Club News section, so if you can lend a hand in any way, please let us know. Plus there are some useful pottery tips at the end that may make your creative pottery life much easier – so read on.
We really want to see our talented members’ work, so upload your pics to our instagram or facebook page, or email them for inclusion on our social media.
Ed Trost - newsletter editor
club email: shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com
Hi Everyone and welcome to our October edition! Can you believe we are here already?!
Expressions 2021
I hope you’re all as Excited as we are that our Expressions exhibition 2021 is almost here! Only 21 days to go ~ Friday 22 to Sunday 24 October!
The organising committee has been working hard to bring this exhibition to life, so please let us know via our Expressions Facebook event page if you will be coming along and please also share this page with your friends so more people are aware it is happening and will come to support all the artisans who have entered!
The committee has also agreed to extend the entry closing date to midnight, Monday 11th October! So the countdown is on ~ 10 days to go to get your entry form in via email to shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com
See the Expressions article further below for more details.
4017 Bayside Open Studios
Another event to get excited about this month is the inaugural 4017 Bayside Open Studios art trail, held over two weekends from 23-24 and 30-31 October 2021. The art trail will feature 14 artist studios and over 25+ participating artists, with studios located in Bracken Ridge, Sandgate, Deagon, Brighton and Shorncliffe. Studios will welcome visitors to their creative spaces from 10am - 4pm both days on each weekend. The trail is facilitated by some of the most talented local artists, with workshops and art technique demonstrations available for visitors to attend and participate in the creative process, whether on the weekend or during the week (by appointment with some studios). Visitors can experience a diverse range of art media: paintings, works on paper, textiles, ceramics, sculpture, mosaics, printmaking, mixed media, photography and more, while becoming acquainted with the participating artists and their studios and galleries.
2021 - 2022 Membership renewals are due now!
and finally, welcome to the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc’s new financial year, which also marks the time for membership renewal. Please see the article below, Membership Renewals for 2022, about how to renew your membership for 2021 - 2022 or to join us, if you aren’t a member yet.
We will also make an announcement soon with the date of our 2021 Annual General Meeting, where all committee positions will become available to be filled.
Cheers and happy reading!
Tamara Vitale – President, SPC Inc.
Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday
+ Friday + Saturday Mornings
Thursday Evenings
SESSION FEE — $7.00 per visit, payable either in person using your debit or credit card or by EFT to the club’s bank account.
Account name: Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc.
Bank details: BSB 064124
Account number: 10518225
Please let us know via email if you are intending to come to the club so we can maintain COVID-19 regulations on numbers within the studio.
From the Kiln Corner
EXPRESSIONS is upon us. So get those pots in for firing so they will be ready for the exhibition. Time is running out.
The kilns continue to crank out bisque, earthenware and stoneware at a steady pace. Gus averted a disaster as he heard a cracking sound when closing the kiln. Fortunately the shelf didn’t crash down and smash any pottery and he was able to reload with a good shelf. Our kiln gods seem to be working well. : )
But the cracking shelf is an indication that shelves are damaged by glazes contaminating them and they become no longer serviceable. Incorrect glaze or clay, for the firing temperature, melts into the shelf as a flux, and as the shelves are clay themselves it ruins the shelf. The one that cracked was the result of two mid-fire (green bucket) glazed pots being put through stoneware with the glaze running and melting into the shelf. Small amounts can be saved by grinding but any glaze run off can weaken the shelves. We are asking people to make sacrificial plates for items to be placed on, so the shelves are protected. This is in addition to ensuring the firing declaration form is fully completed and correct for the firing temperature. Dipping pottery bottoms in wax is also a good preventative for the glaze being too close to the bottom. The wax is in the back room. Just remember to turn off the machine after use.
Glazing put on too thickly appears to be the main culprit for glaze dripping and crawling. Remember when dipping to stick to the 1,2,3 counting process.
1 down… 2 in… 3 out
As a result of this incident, we are going to have to replace most of the small kiln shelves at $141each. ( Large shelves $256 plus cutting are to be assessed)
To avoid a repetition all firing forms must list :
the glaze name and firing temperature as on the packaging
the clay name and firing temperatures as on the packaging
Sacrificial bowls/biscuits/props must be used with multiple glazes
A 6mm clear no glaze line, from the bottom to the lowest glaze point
(unless on a sacrificial BOWL)Reclaimed or unknown clay mixtures will only be put through Earthenware. Reclaimed single type clay can be fired to the package temperature range.
All firing forms, clay and glaze must match the firing range or your items will be rejected. All damage from incorrect glazing/clays must be paid for by the offending member.
See you all at Expressions 2021.
Gus, Linda, Catharine and Gabriel
Do you know anyone that shows an interest in your pottery?
If you do, why not invite them to come and try pottery for themselves. The first session is free and you know that once you have made something with clay… you’re hooked!
October is Membership
Renewal Month.
Remember you need to be a member of our club to use the facilities and have first access to join the workshops.
All current members should have received an email by now with details of how to renew your membership. If you haven’t received an email please contact us on:
Membership Renewals for 2022
The year has flown by and it is time to renew your membership. Being a member allows you to continue to enjoy the use of the club facilities, buy clay at discount prices, have access to glazes and firing, and attend a variety of our workshops. This year the club has grown in memberships and this strengthens our support base. We have plans to keep offering new and exciting things in the coming year.
Memberships are due from the 1st October, and to ensure that your membership is current payment will need to be made by the end of October. The fees are remaining the same, but we are streamlining the process using a digital format. This format will make it so much easier for the membership secretary and will make the information in our database more accurate.
Please fill in the online form on our website –
Select your payment method on the form (via direct deposit into the Club’s bank account or via Square when you are next at the Club’s shed) and hit ‘Send’. The form will then be automatically emailed to the membership secretary.
Alternatively we have a PDF form we can email to you, which you can complete and email back. Please make a request for the form to:
Ann Gillespie, Membership Secretary
Expressions – Participate
and Help Please
The Expressions Exhibition has been the showcase of the Shorncliffe Pottery Club for many years. It provides an opportunity for all artists to exhibit their works and it is also our main fundraiser. Categories include painting, mixed media, photography, sculpture, hand built pottery and wheel thrown pottery. The exhibition will open on Friday 22nd October and run until Sunday 24th October. Further details of opening times are on our website. For those who wish to participate with an entry the closing date and time is 11th October at midnight.
The organising committee is working hard behind the scenes. This is the first time for the new club and this committee. We also have a new venue thanks to the generosity of St Patricks School for allowing SPC Inc and SASArt to use the Callan Centre.
The committee would like to hear from members who can volunteer some time over the weekend to look after sales and guide visitors. The opening and presentation is on Friday night. Drinks will be served and we need some helpers for catering. There is set up and pull down with the plinths to be moved in and out. If you are available to help in any way, please contact the club committee through the club email address.
For those wishing to participate in the exhibition, there is a $30 entry fee. Items will be judged and there are prizes for hand building and wheel thrown sections. All pieces will need to be available for sale. This is an open exhibition available to any ceramic artists. The full details are on the entry form.
Sales of other ceramic pieces will be available for members who do not wish to enter the exhibition, but would like to sell their works. There will be a table available for sales of items under $50. There will be a commission on these sales, but there is no entry fee. If you place items for sale in this section, please also nominate a time to be available to help with the sales. Members will be need to drop off and pick up their items from the Callan Centre. Details are on the Entry Form.
4017 Open Studios
Another first for the Expressions Exhibition and SPCInc is that the Expressions Exhibition is the opening event for the new 4017 Open Studios event. There is more information and the studios that are participating are listed on the Facebook page for 4017 https://www.facebook.com/4017BOS/ If you prefer Instagram, use the #4017.bayside.open.studios
This is quite exciting for the 4017 postcode area. This event will be over the weekend of the 23-24 October and the following weekend of the 30-31 October. Shorncliffe Pottery Club will have an open studio on the second weekend of the event. Our clubhouse will be open to the public to allow them to have a peek into the life of a working pottery studio, meet the members, ’have a go‘ at wheel throwing or hand building.
We are inviting members to be available during this weekend to spend some time at the clubhouse to make some of your own pieces, talk to people who may drop in and encourage them to participate. If you would like to be at the clubhouse over that weekend there will be more information coming soon. Depending on space available, we would also like to have members’ pottery works for sale.
Ways to Promote Expressions +
Bayside Open Studios
The use of social media and our existing contacts will play a big part in how Expressions and Bayside Open Studios are promoted.
The setbacks of last year’s cancellation of Expressions due to COVID, the change of location and the lack of local newspaper support, means that everyone in the club needs to be active in promoting the exhibition. Due to all of these factors there will be people and supporters that may have been lost along the way.
We are asking each of you with a social presence to spread the word. We have written a short piece below as a guide for you to use. You can adapt this to suit your own situation or cut and paste as it is, into your Instagram or Facebook posts. For consistency in reaching our audience please use the hashtags at the bottom of the guide. It provides extra promotion if you use these hashtags for any of your artist related posts.
I am very excited to be part of the Expressions Exhibition this year. The new venue is the Callan Centre in St Partrick’s College, Shorncliffe, which is the location of the original Shorncliffe Potters Studio. For the pottery club it is like a homecoming. The Expressions Exhibition to be held from 22nd to 24th October, is also the opening weekend of the 4017 Bayside Open Studios event. This is the first time an open studios has been held in the district.
#expressionsshorncliffe (note the double s)
Being Respectful, Feeling Safe
The club’s Code of Conduct was written to guide the safety and respect of members. Developing friendships, being co-operative, sharing ideas and skills as well as being respectful to each other in words and actions is something in which the club takes great pride. When members are working in the SPC Inc. studio or interacting with other members via electronic means, everyone has a right to feel safe and not harrassed.
The Code of Conduct can be found in your membership documentation or you can request a copy from the Membership Officer here or you can read it here.
Club Clay Options and Details
These are the current clay bodies that we generally have in our store. If you have another clay that you prefer, speak to Gus or Linda to see if they can get it in for you.
Raffle donations required
Items can include wine, food, books, pottery, gift certificates etc.
Place the donated items in the basket on the table in the pottery club.
Tickets for the Raffle are $2 each, or 3 for $5
Available at the club or at Expressions 2021
Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. has signed up with Containers for Change - a simple recycling system for cans and bottles. It’s easy to do. Take your recyclables to a Containers for Change site and use our unique Scheme ID number to allow the recycling money to go directly into the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. bank account.
Club’s Scheme ID number: C10465553
If the Scheme ID isn't working (argh technology!) and you get cash instead from the recycling machine, just pop the money in the tea jar in the club’s kitchenette.
Each month in the newsletter we will update the amount generated from the recycling. So don’t throw out those cans and bottles – recycle them for the benefit of the club and watch the dollars grow.
thank you!
Club Tuition for Members
by Members
Tuition could be in wheel throwing, handbuilding and glaze making. The rate is $35 per session for up to three hours, but could be less dependent upon session length. From this, the club will take 20% commission. All payments must go through the club.
The club entry fee of $7 will apply for the learner member, but the tutor will be admitted as a volunteer for that session.
If this is something that you would like as a tutor or a learner please contact the committee using the club email : shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com
Creative Ceramic Life ‘Off The Grid’
Surrounded by mountains and the bush, Steve Williams enjoys a quiet life off the grid with a focus on creating unique pottery. A prominent Australian ceramicist, he says it is a creative passion which was sparked decades ago when he studied art in the 1970s.
After a 30-year career teaching art and design with TAFE NSW, he now spends most of his time creating on his bush property, on the NSW Mid North Coast.
Steve enjoys the peace and solitude of his bush property, which he says allows him to tap into his creativity. He enjoys creating woodfired ceramics using sustainably-sourced local materials including clays, timber, and rocks. The landscape has become an important backdrop for his work.
"The influences in your work come from the triggers around you, whether that's the material, or the colours in the landscape."
His works are made in one sitting, where the wheel-thrown form progresses to the firing with minimum intervention. His unique pottery wheel is also an important part of his creative process.
"It's a 100-year-old timber kickwheel and that forces you to slow down a bit. You have to provide the energy, but that's fun, it's part of the holistic approach of being off the grid and living quieter," he said.
(Photos supplied: Tess Kerbel; story: ABC Mid North Coast by Emma Siossian and Meredith Kirton)
Making It
For those who love arts and crafts here is a new TV show. Making It Australia is all about creativity, arts, crafts and of course making and creating things! Apparently there is even some pottery in the show. It is a feel good show promoting the creative minds we have in Australia and all creations are judged by an expert panel.
Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm on Network 10.
To all our valued members who are having a birthday this month, we hope you have an exciting day and are spoilt rotten by your loved ones:
Samantha Jenkins, Jillian Kelly, Carly Kidston, Kim Mancini, PJ McClelland, Lyndell Petersen, Carolina Schleimer, Sarah Schulz
If we have missed anybody, our sincere apologies – drop us an email so that we can include you next time!
Yes, only 3 weeks till Expressions
22 – 24 October 2021
Opening Night Friday 22 October 6pm to 10pm
Any help will be greatly appreciated even if it is only to distribute flyers to businesses in your area, every little bit counts.
Contact the club to lend a hand, now:
Use the button above to download the Expressions Entry Form pdf
Hurry applications close Monday 11 October 2021
A FaceBook events page has been created to keep you up-to-date with all the news regarding Expressions 2021: https://fb.me/e/3I2UnETtW
4017 Bayside Open Studios,
23 – 31 October 2021
25+ artists, opening their studios in Brisbane’s beautiful northern bayside suburbs
to share their passion for art in all mediums!!
(Including our own studio – Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc.)
If you want to display some of your pottery, or would like to demonstrate on the wheel or hand building, contact the committee on our email: shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com
Queensland's Largest Open Studios Art Event
1 - 10 October 2021
Noosa Open Studios Art Trail provides locals and visitors to our beautiful region on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast with the unique chance to visit over 100 artists in their private studios over 10 days in October. Whilst there, visitors can learn about the artists’ creative processes, see their work and perhaps even make an art investment to call their own!
Preparing Your Pottery
For Exhibitions
Want to stand out with the presentation of your pottery for the exhibition – follow the 5 steps below to take your pottery from beautiful to excellent. Remember to always test on a piece of pottery first before committing to the process and always wear a mask when sanding or spraying pottery.
Step 1
Purchase some sheets of ‘wet and dry’ sandpaper from your local hardware or auto shop. It comes in various roughness grains (grit) so you may want to start around 400 grit and work your way up from 600 to 1200 and finally 2000. The higher the grit number the smoother it is. Cut the sand paper into squares about 8cm by 8cm for ease of use.
Step 2
Wet the surface of the pottery and the square of sandpaper with water from a shallow bowl, then begin to lightly sand using the wet sandpaper. Run the piece of sandpaper back and forth over the pottery or in small circles, spending about 30 seconds on each area, rinsing the sandpaper and the clay frequently.
Step 3
Repeat the process with sandpaper of a slightly finer grit then repeat again with an even finer grit of sandpaper until the surface of the pottery is completely smooth and even in texture. When the water in the bowl becomes cloudy from the clay, empty it out and refill the bowl with clean water.
Step 4
Buff the sanded pottery with a piece of old denim (not new denim as the dye may run) or maybe use some canvas or an old t-shirt. Hold the denim in one hand and the pottery in the other hand and rub the denim vigorously over the surface. The more quickly you move the denim, the higher the shine you will achieve.
Step 5
For an even more stunning result you can apply a polish to the pottery using a water-based acrylic by either dipping it in the polish, or brushing or spraying it, onto the surface. When brushing, work quickly so the polish does not dry in between strokes. Some products you can use include Liquitex - High Gloss Varnish, or Krylon Spray - Triple Thick Crystal Clear Glaze, available from good art supply stores.
Steps by ehow.com
Sanding bone dry pottery to produce a smooth surface
A good alternative to sandpaper is to use an old green scrubbing pad from the kitchen. When these have been well used, they become soft and floppy, and make a nice flexible sanding tool.
President: Tamara Vitale
Vice President: Ken Bull
Secretary: Caroline Schleimer
Acting Treasurer: Tamara Vitale
Committee Members: Gus Saunders, Linda Rosenthal,
Clare Houston & Ann Gillespie
Newsletter Editor: Ed Trost
email: shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com
and follow us on