A Few Tricks & Tips

• Glue a button on to a cork to make a stamp.
• Use a cotton bud to remove glaze from creases. 
• Use a foam brush to wax bottoms of pieces, wax will not drip from a foam brush.
• Use wet carpet to remove glaze from pottery bottoms instead of waxing.
• Use old kitchen scrubbing pad as a soft sander for greenware.
• Put a mirror on the wheel table to be able to see the back of the pot.
• Wrap clay in plastic wrap to keep the extruder inside clean when extruding clay.
• Spray WD40 as a release for molds and stamps as the clay doesn’t stick to it.
• Use a laptop or iPad ‘bean bag’ stand to hold your pot when sanding or decorating.
• When joining clay parts together they should be equal in wetness.
• Use vinegar to join clay pieces as the acidity of vinegar acts like a glue.
• Always wear a mask when sanding pots as the dust particles are carcinogenic.
• Do not rub your greenware with a wet sponge as this will remove fine clay surface particles and make it rougher.

Ed Trost

Big fan of Squarespace since way back at version 2 I think. 


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