DIY Banding Wheel

This homemade turntable is easy to make, inexpensive, and works really well. PVC plumbing closet flanges can be purchased at many hardware stores for about $10. Just match the inner diameter of one – to the outer diameter of the other, so they overlap. Cut two squares of plywood – the bottom piece approximately 50mm wider than the PVC flange, and the top piece should be bigger, but not greater than 50mm. The plywood should be 25mm thick and sealed to handle wet clay (Tip - use marine plywood). Centre and screw each flange onto the plywood. Add a little WD40 for lubrication where the flanges touch and there you have it. It’s that easy.

Courtesy Dennis Allen

Ed Trost

Big fan of Squarespace since way back at version 2 I think.

Slab Rolling Tip


4 Ways to Prevent Your Pieces Exploding in the Kiln