Wax Removal Options

Unwanted wax removal: The usual way to remove any unwanted wax is to re-bisque the pot, but did you know that turps can also be used? Dip a cloth or paper towel in turps and work it onto the waxed area, this may have to be repeated a few times depending on how much wax you want to remove. Once the turps has evaporated the pot can be glazed in the usual manner. Do not do this near any heat source!

Micro-wax removal: To remove unwanted wax from a pot, microwave it on high for 5 minutes – saves re-bisqueing.

Courtesy COLLECTED WISDOM | 50 years of handy hints from the Ceramic Study Group, Australia

Ed Trost

Big fan of Squarespace since way back at version 2 I think. 


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