September 2020
Issue #000
Hello Potters
Not long now and we will be an incorporated club! We hope you’re excited too!
Please see below the current status of SPC:
We've submitted the paperwork to incorporate our club. A membership form will accompany the email to everyone once the Incorporation comes through.
*The $7 attendance fee per visit will be reinstated
from Sept 10th
and is payable directly to the Shorncliffe Pottery Club upon entry at the shed.
Be prepared—soon, we hope to have the payment Square system set up so we can do coinless/paperless transactions. This is working successfully at other clubs and will make life a lot easier and be a safe method during these Covid times.
Clay purchases will still be by Direct Deposit to the club's bank account until we get the payment Square system. This eliminates the issue of having the correct change or owing money to the club.
Our opening times are:
Thursday 9am - 1pm, 6pm - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm
Please let us know via email if you're heading down so we know how many people will be in the shed (re: Covid restrictions)
Our volunteer supervisor will ensure everyone signs in and follows the Covid safe requirements. Please don't come to the shed if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms.
If you are a volunteer who has done the PCYC Covid safe training program, please contact us if you would like to offer to be a supervisor during our sessions.
All members will be invited to attend our first General Meeting once we're incorporated.
Email us any ideas or items you’d like to be added to the agenda.
Linda Douglas
(Newsletter editor)
Committee members 2020:
President:: Tamara Vitale
Vice President: Ken Bull
Secretary: position currently vacant
Treasurer: Linda Douglas
Newsletter editor: Linda Douglas
Committee members: Gus Saunders, Linda Rosenthal, Clare Houston & Ann Gillespie