April 2021
ISSUE #007
Hello Potters
Welcome to the April Newsletter – my how time is flying.
Happening right now is the SAS Easter Art Show - so don’t miss this excellent exhibition of local potters and artists (see below for details). The Kiln God or Goddess Challenge has been judged – read further on for the winners. The Club is now open on Tuesday mornings for work, drop off and pick up, plus there are quite a few pottery tips and techniques for you to try. And there are numerous exhibitions to participate in as well as a wheel workshop coming. It’s all here in your monthly pottery newsletter. So read on…
We really want to see our talented members’ work, so upload your pics to our instagram or facebook page, or email them for inclusion on our social media sites.
Ed Trost - newsletter editor
Hi Everyone and welcome to our April edition!
Firstly, thank you to the members who put entries in for the Kiln God or Goddess Challenge. It was a hard call to pick just two winners, they all have something about them that would make them great overseers of the kilns. See in the article further below the entries and the winner’s announcement!
April is lining up as a fun month, we have:
the SAS Art Easter Exhibition from the 1st to 3rd April (see further below for more details or the SASArt Facebook page for all the current news on the exhibition and their club)
the Club’s shed will be open for our regular ‘opening times’ over the school holidays! See our regular days and times below or follow our SPC Inc Facebook page to receive ad-hoc advice for any extra times that the shed may be opened by one of our volunteer supervisors,
Club tuition for members by members - we put a call out in our March newsletter inviting club members with skills to tutor/mentor new and beginning members as they make a start with clay, and we’ve had a good response with a number of experienced members offering to share their knowledge! So new members, or members who would like to brush up on their skills, please let us know via email (shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com) or chat to one of the volunteer supervisors in the shed to express your interest and advise of your availability so we can line you up with one of the tutors! Details for cost and time can be found further below under Tuition.
Also, don’t forget you can always read our past newsletters on our website, under the newsletters link at the top of the page!
Cheers and happy reading!
Tamara Vitale – President, SPC Inc.
Thursday + Saturday Mornings
Thursday Evenings
and now also
Tuesday Mornings
SESSION FEE — $7.00 per visit, payable either in person using your debit or credit card or by EFT to the club’s bank account.
Account name: Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc.
Bank details: BSB 064124
Account number: 10518225
Please let us know via email if you are intending to come to the club so we can maintain Covid-19 regulations on numbers within the studio.
QR Code Now Used for Attendance
At the sign in desk, there is a sign with a QR code on it. A QR code looks like the example on the left. Simply scan the QR code using your Smart Phone camera, enter your details and it will register your attendance. Don’t forget your Membership Number as you will need it to log in. At the end of the pottery session click the ‘Check out’ button on your Smart Phone and you’re signed out. Next time you want to sign in, scan the code and your attendance will be automatically recorded.
From the Kiln Corner
From all of us in the kiln room…
It, as usual has been a busy month with kilns going non-stop. All the houses from Jackie Gasson’s workshop have been bisqued. Quite a feat as they all tended to be large. Gus worked his magic in packing them in the kiln. I remain in awe of his spacial awareness. We only have one more house to go and that wasn’t actually made in Jackie’s class.
Most of the items from firing have managed to find their owners’ shelf. But there are some things on shelf in the kiln room waiting for pickup. Please come in to get them as shelves as usual are pretty full. I have put dates in pots left on shelves and, if not picked up within two months you take the chance of loosing them as they will be discarded.
Saturday we had five new people join and they have all requested a shelf. Shelves are being taken at fast pace. So remember you have half a shelf and need to consider your shelf mate.
Happy potting
Greg, Linda, Catharine and Gabriel
Last week, Max finally left the country and we wish him the best on his long haul flight to the UK. We will eagerly await his FaceTime call on Thursday evening, to fill us in on his new life in England.
Do you know anyone that shows an interest in your pottery?
If you do, why not invite them to come and try pottery for themselves. The first session is free and you know that once you have made something with clay… you’re hooked!
If you haven’t already – don’t forget to join the club!
Remember you need to be a member of our club to use the facilities and have first access to join the workshops.
Being Respectful, Feeling Safe
The club’s Code of Conduct was written to guide the safety and respect of members. Developing friendships, being co-operative, sharing ideas and skills and being respectful to each other in words and actions is something in which the club takes great pride. When members are working in the SPC Inc studio or interacting with other members via electronic means, everyone has a right to feel safe and not harrassed.
The Code of Conduct can be found in your membership documentation or you can request a copy from the Membership Officer here or you can read it here.
Club Tuition for Members
by Members
Tuition could be in wheel throwing, handbuilding and glaze making. The rate is $35 per session for up to three hours, but could be less. From this, the club will take 20% commission. All payments will go through the club.
The club entry fee of $7 will apply for the beginning member, but the tutor will be admitted as a volunteer for that session.
If this is something that you would like as a tutor or a learner please contact the committee using the club email : shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com
‘Kiln God or Goddess Challenge’ Winners
There was intense interest throughout the challenge as a variety of Gods and Goddesses were created, however after much discussion, the results are now in for the best 2 Kiln Gods or Goddesses, as judged by the SPCI Committee.
The winners are (in no particular order) LYN MICHELL and GABRIEL KNAUTH!
Congratulations go to both of them for their imagination and skill. Each will receive a bag of clay and can feel safe in the knowledge that their creative effort means our kilns and their contents are less likely to be subject to any calamitous situations.
Below are photos of the winning entries assuming their positions on top of the kilns, plus a group photo of the entries. Well done everybody.
Gabriel Knauth
”eye’m watching you”
Lyn Michell
’inspired by medusa’
A wide variety of Kiln Gods and Goddesses were created
Art/Edit Magazine:
March 2021 edition
Our own Ed Trost was featured in an article about his portraiture art in this magazine in March. View the article on the website here www.artedit.com.au
“Darius Boyd - peering out of the gloom”
100cm x 100cm
Wheel throwing workshop with Jackie Gasson
Following from our successful ‘Box for a Box’ handbuilding workshop with Jackie Gasson, we have invited Jackie back to guide our members in a wheel throwing workshop. The theme continues with ‘Pushing the Boundaries’ with the purpose to challenge and extend your skills, this time in wheel throwing.
The workshop is open to 7 participants, and will cater for all skill levels… beginners are most welcome and the more experienced should learn a lot as well.
Jackie will demonstrate the basics of throwing and using good technique. Come ready with questions or problems and she will help you to solve them from her 45 years of experience.
The club has 5 wheels available, so if you would like to bring your own wheel that will be a great help. We will assist to unload and load.
Morning tea, coffee and biscuits will be available.
This workshop is only for members at this stage, so get in quick to reserve your place.
The details
Date: Sunday, 23 May
Time: 9am to 12pm
Ability: all levels
Location: Shorncliffe Pottery Club
Cost: $60
Clay: Walkers 10 or similar fine grog clays for wheel throwing. The club will have clay available to purchase.
What to bring: Tools for throwing (the club has some to share), towel, apron, a small bucket for water and a larger bucket to take your slops home, and a box to take your works home.
Payment: To the club bank account or the Square at the club. Use your name and Gasson as reference.
Bank Details: Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. BSB 064124 Account 10518225
Registration: Please send an email to the club to assist us with confirming numbers… shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com …and let us know if you are bringing your own pottery wheel.
from basics
to advanced
To all our valued members who are having a birthday this month, we hope you have an exciting day and are spoilt rotten by your loved ones:
Toni Secombe, Heddy Shears, Christina Allen, Brooke Lucas
If we have missed anybody, our sincere apologies and drop us an email so that we can include you next time!
SAS Easter Art Show
SAS are very excited to announce that the annual Sandgate Easter Art Show is going ahead and is on from April 1st – 3rd, with the Opening Night on Thursday 1st April. So show your support for the local talented potters and artists by popping along.
There are three categories - 2D, 3D and Photo/Digital, and each category has three awards this year. Plus there is a separate Best In Show award which is selected from all entries and carries a $1,000 prize!
The exhibition is held in the Callan Centre, Pier Ave, St Patrick’s College Shorncliffe.
We hope to see you all there!
Looking forward to seeing you!
Twelve regional ceramic-based artists will showcase their works over Easter Saturday and Sunday. It's a chance to connect with the artists and own locally created ceramics. This year they welcome Brookies Gin and Harvest Newrybar as their sponsors, making the market a truly locally flavoured event.
Our chosen charity this year is Orange Sky . Orange Sky have a simple formula; they provide a platform
for every day Australians to connect through a regular laundry and shower service.
2021 Siliceous Award Entries Open
The $7,000 award will be given to the artist who best presents a work of ceramic excellence in any format. There is also a $1,000 people's choice award generously sponsored by Queensland Electrical Solutions.
The 2021 Award is open to ceramicists across Australia and the winning entry will be acquired by Ceramic Arts Queensland for its permanent collection. Entries close 3 September so - start creating that masterpiece!
Opening Night: Friday 22 October at The Butter Factory Arts Centre Cooroy
Download the entry form, complete, pay entry fees (options included on entry form) and submit to info@ceramicartsqld.org.au
The Ekka Is On Again
The quintessential Royal Queensland Show is on again this year in August but it’s not all about who has the best in breed. There are also the Arts’ categories and entries are all online this year – so it will be easy to put your piece in for a slice of the prizes.
The competition features three classes – Representational sculpture inspired by the real world; Abstract and/or stylised; and Outdoor. Entries often include works sculpted with wood, clay, metal, stone or plaster.
For information on delivery and collection dates, times and location, please read the Important Exhibitor Information.
Entries Close 28 May 2021
Earth ‘n’ Fire Exhibition
50 years of Murwillumbah Potters
Earth ‘n’ Fire celebrates the history and strong continuity of the Murwillumbah club, showcasing the pottery of the club’s tutors and members, and a selection of creations fired in traditional wood, gas and raku kilns. These are just a handful of the work shown at the Tweed Regional Gallery which I visited recently. There were some very interesting pieces, in particular some of the raku fired and pit fired work. If you are in the neighbourhood drop in to the gallery, it is definitely worth a look.
Exhibition dates: 5 March – 2 May 2021
Ed Trost
click images to view larger
Pelican crackle glaze
Pit fired bowl
3 ceramic sheep
Cheap But Effective Glaze
before (click to enlarge)
after (click to enlarge)
All eyes were on one of the firings during this month as pieces experimented with the soda ash and hot water glazing technique as described by Jackie Gasson during the recent hand building workshop. As you can see from the results above the effect is rather good, considering how cheap the ingredients are, it may be an option for your future pieces.
If you are thinking of using this technique, have a chat to the glaze team for tips on how to make the glaze and what to watch out for in the glaze’s application and firing process – as it can be a bit tricky.
Turning Bases
Place a plastic bottle top on a wet or thin pot to provide protection for the base whilst turning. The width of the bottle top spreads the pressure over a wider area and lessens the possibility of the base giving way, or warping under finger pressure.
Thanks to Linda Rosenthal for this tip by Dianne Peach.
Glaze Painting Tips…
Preparation : Before you begin painting, take a sponge and make it slightly damp with clean water. Wipe off your pottery to remove large dust particles. Be sure that your pottery does not get too wet.
Multiple Coats : For a solid, even coat of colour, apply 2 to 3 coats of the glaze. After painting the first coat allow the glaze to fully dry before painting the next coat (it air dries reasonably quickly, but you can use a hair dryer to speed up the process). Try to apply each coat at a different angle to the preceding coat to hide any brush strokes.
Dark Colours over Light Colours : If you want to overlap colours by painting one colour on top of another colour, it is always best to have the underneath colour lighter than the top colour. Darker coloured glazes tend to bleed through lighter colours, and the lighter colour will not show up clearly.
…and Techniques
Sponge Painting : You can use your sponge to directly apply coloured glaze to your pottery. The result is a nice "textured" appearance after kiln firing. You can also vary the texture density and mix colours.
Dots : Use the handle end of your brush to paint clean dots. Only one coat is required, and this is a very fast and easy method to cover your pottery with dots.
Splatter Paint : Coat the bristles of a tooth brush with coloured glaze, and then slide your thumb across the brush while directing the spray toward your pottery. This creates a coat of very tiny dots of coloured glaze. Or you can use paint brushes to create a more dynamic splatter effect - see the youtube video below.
Draw Patterns : Use a pencil to directly trace a pattern onto your pottery, the graphite of the pencil will completely burn away during firing. Do not erase the pencil marks if you make a mistake as the eraser can alter the pottery surface – just draw it again.
Straight Lines and Edges : Use masking tape to create straight lines and edges on your pottery. Place masking tape as desired, then paint over the tape edge. After the glaze is very dry, carefully peel the tape off. See example below.
Pottery jar using the tape masking method for glazing
This image is a link to a youtube video. When you click it a new window or tab will open and display the video in your internet browser. If you find it useful, a good tip is to bookmark the video, so that you can find it again easily.
Maybe you have a pottery tip to share or want to ask a pottery question.
Send to the editor here
President: Tamara Vitale
Vice President: Ken Bull
Secretary: Caroline Schleimer
Acting Treasurer: Tamara Vitale
Committee Members: Gus Saunders, Linda Rosenthal,
Clare Houston & Ann Gillespie
Newsletter Editor: Ed Trost
Email: shorncliffepotteryclubinc@hotmail.com
and follow us on