March 2021
ISSUE #006
Hello Potters
Welcome to the March Newsletter, there’s lots of interesting news this month. So let’s crack into it…
The Kiln God or Goddess Challenge is flying along with entries to be judged in only 2 weeks – so there’s just enough time to enter, but you will need to hurry. Volunteer Supervisors are still required to help the club out and member tuition is available too. Below in the newsletter see how a little bit of vinegar can do magic, and don’t forget we have more workshops coming. So keep reading.
We really want to see our talented members’ work, so upload your pics to our instagram or facebook page, or email them for inclusion on our social media sites.
Ed Trost - newsletter editor
Hi Everyone and welcome to our March edition!
Does it feel like February passed in the blink of an eye? It does for me, but I’m also glad it was a productive month at the Club! The kilns continued running hot, our opening times were well attended by members coming in to work on their projects or just popping in to drop off or pick up their pieces, AND we had our first workshop for the year in the ‘Pushing the Boundaries’ series - it was a great day spent hand building and learning new skills, tips and tricks! Check out the article below on the run-down of our day with Jackie Gasson.
March is shaping up to be another big month - particularly for our members who will be entering pieces into the upcoming SAS Art - Easter Art Show from 1st - 3rd April. Please see the article below for further details on how to enter online this year! Potters please remember to chat to our kiln team if you know you’ll have pieces you need fired in time for the entry deadline.
Cheers and happy reading!
Tamara Vitale – President, SPC Inc.
Thursday + Saturday Mornings
Thursday Evening
SESSION FEE — $7.00 per visit, payable either in person using your debit or credit card or by EFT to the club’s bank account.
Account name: Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc.
Bank details: BSB 064124
Account number: 10518225
Please let us know via email if you are intending to come to the club so we can maintain Covid-19 regulations on numbers within the studio.
QR Code Now Used for Attendance
At the sign in desk, you may or may not have noticed a new sign with a QR code on it. A QR code looks like the example on the left. Now you can simply scan the QR code using your Smart Phone and once you have entered your details it will register your attendance. At the end of the pottery session click the ‘Check out’ button on your Smart Phone and you’re signed out. Next time you sign in scan the QR code and your attendance will be automatically recorded.
Clay to Glaze to Kiln
From all of us in the kiln room…
Well everything is going along fine out back. Gabriel and Catharine are testing and getting glazes out on the floor, Buttermilk has hit the deck and is still a favourite, however we will be limited on the quantity we can provide. The white buckets marked SW are for high fire, the green buckets are for midfire, please ensure you match your clay and glaze for the firing temperatures as you want to avoid incidents.
Linda is firing on all cylinders cleaning up shelves and out the back. I think you would agree the club is looking very tidy. Out the back we have a number of buckets of discarded clay that need reconstituting. We will be planning a pugging day when it gets cooler to pug and bag the clay in small lots for members at a discount price. The clay will only be suitable for low fire as we can’t guarantee it won’t cause issues at high fire.
As Gus/Greg (trying to avoid confusion) says we have been busy cleaning and organizing. Changes are happening. Ann said, "Every time she comes to club I have rearranged and changed things." Hopefully that is about at an end. Half shelves are being given out so try to keep to your side. Be considerate of other shelf users. If there isn't enough room, use the next to bottom shelf or bottom shelf if available. Please label all clay and other items with your name. Also, remember no personal glazes are allowed on shelves. You need to cart them home and back. Sorry!!! Otherwise workplace safety will be after us.
We are about to tackle the kiln area and will be looking at new ways to coordinate shelves. So if you have any ideas on organizing let us know. Also, if you have any pottery which has been fired please pick it up. That will be a great help. And when putting things in to be fired put your name or insignia on firing paperwork AND on your pot to be fired. Then it will be easy for us to identify and put on your shelf. Easier for us and easier for you. It will make it simpler for those without shelves to find their things as the back shelf won't be as crowded.
Remember Easter Show is coming up. Applications need to be in and paid for by March 26th. I will be on look out for Easter Bunnies.
Greg, Linda, Catharine and Gabriel
Volunteer Supervisors Urgently Needed
The club would like to offer more opening times for members. Currently the opening times rely on the availability of Gus Saunders and Linda Rosenthal. To expand the opening times or simply share the workload, the club requires that some more members become volunteer supervisors. The role is simple and straightforward, no expertise required, just a willingness to give a helping hand. The volunteer supervisor will be trained where necessary.
The requirements are that the volunteer supervisor:
is willing to become involved
opens and closes the club
makes sure all members sign in and out
ensures members comply with all COVID requirements
encourages members to leave their areas clean after use
manages transactions for entry and the purchase of clay using the club’s square account (this requires use of your phone - you will be trained)
has knowledge of rules and procedures
has knowledge of basic equipment provided
places a notice on the club’s facebook page to notify
members that the club will be open at that particular timespecial attributes of willingness to share, encourage and
support, listen and communicateassists with the load and unload of the kilns
has basic first aid skills (the club is researching courses)
An additional advantage for the volunteer supervisor is that they will have the opportunity and flexibility to visit the club more often and at times that suit them.
If you would like to volunteer – email the Committee here
or come in to the club for a chat with the supervisor
Do you know anyone that shows an interest in your pottery?
If you do, why not invite them to come and try pottery for themselves. The first session is free and you know that once you have made something with clay – you’re hooked!
If you haven’t already – don’t forget to join the club!
Remember you need to be a member of our club to use the facilities and have first access to join the workshops.
Being Respectful, Feeling Safe
The club’s Code of Conduct was written to guide the safety and respect of members. Developing friendships, being co-operative, sharing ideas and skills and being respectful to each other in words and actions is something in which the club takes great pride. When members are working in the SPC Inc studio or interacting with other members via electronic means, everyone has a right to feel safe and not harrassed.
The Code of Conduct can be found in your membership documentation or you can request a copy from the Membership Officer here or you can read it here.
Max’s Farewell Lunch
There was a big turnout for Max Page’s farewell lunch at the Brighton Hotel. Lots of laughs and a few tears were shed, as we said ‘bon voyage’ to one of Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc’s lifetime members. Max is returning to the UK to live with his daughters and he will be sorely missed. He has been the backbone to the club, always willing to lend a hand and helping out the new members with his wealth of information for all things pottery. Not to mention his amazing ability to create engaging ceramic sculptures. I am sure that everyone will agree to wish him all the best in his new adventures.
Kiln God Challenge – only 2 weeks to go
SPCI is in dire need of 2 Kiln Gods. To resolve this the Committee has created a challenge to all members – to make a Kiln God.
The best 2 Kiln Gods, judged by the Committee will (apart from the kudos of winning) each receive a bag of clay.
Place your entry on the table in the shed under the ‘Kiln God or Goddess Challenge’ poster.
Entries close 13 March 2021
To all our valued members who are having a birthday this month, we hope you have an exciting day and are spoilt rotten by your loved ones:
Max Page, Linda Rosenthal, Nolane Vandoren, Jean Smith, Rosalind Azizi, Jessica Latter
If we have missed anybody, our sincere apologies and drop us an email so that we can include you next time!
Club Tuition for Members
by Members
Remember the time when you began with clay. Lots of questions, new skills to learn, not knowing where to start?
The club is inviting members with skills to tutor/mentor new and beginning members as they make a start with clay. We regularly get requests from new members for some tuition to get them started. If you would like to be available to tutor a new member, the committee would like to hear from you.
How it will work
Depending on availability the new member will be introduced to the tutor. Times can be flexible and convenient to both members.
Tuition could be in wheel throwing, handbuilding and glaze making. The rate will be $35 per session for up to three hours, but could be less. From this, the club will take 20% commission. All payments will go through the club.
The club entry fee of $7 will apply for the beginning member, but the tutor will be admitted as a volunteer for that session.
If this is something that you would like as a tutor or a learner please contact the committee using the club email.
‘Pushing the Boundaries series - workshop #1 hand building’
Much fun was had by those who participated in the Jackie Gasson workshop on Sunday 21st February. It was a full hands-on day learning something new and provided a challenge for the more experienced potters to make something different to what they usually make. Jackie provided many incidental tips and tricks over the day which have been gained from her many years of experience as a professional potter/ceramic artist. (Who else was excited to learn how to make coils from the slab without needing to roll them out?!)
The concept of a ‘box from a box’ can be applied to many hand building projects, not just houses. The box provides structure and support while the clay box is being made. Jackie had some great ideas for roof building and ‘Building Construction 101’ came into play to make sure the clay pieces will hold together.
Beginner participants found the workshop easy to follow and had a great time playing with clay; and one of our more experienced potters provided feedback following the workshop - ‘It really sparked my inspiration, and now I am building a hobbit hole using the box technique, and having a great time!’
Participants found Jackie to be fun, relaxed, engaging and a highly knowledgeable presenter. She held a short Q&A session at the end of the day covering some techniques on how to finish off the house project, along with answering some general glazing issues and pottery concerns.
The Workshop Committee wishes to hold more workshops this year and would like members’ feedback on workshop ideas. If you have any comments on workshops please send them to the club email.
Remember to keep an eye on your email inbox, our facebook page or our website for details regarding forthcoming workshops as they have limited numbers and fill quickly.
click on an image to enlarge
SAS Easter Art Show
SAS Art are very excited to announce that the annual Sandgate Easter Art Show will be going ahead this year, after it was cancelled last year due to COVID19.
We hope you have been building a stockpile of sculptures, photos or paintings during the last 12 months as you now have your chance to put the prime pieces out on display!
There are three categories - 2D, 3D and Photo/Digital, and each category has three awards this year:
First Place ($500 and ribbon)
Second Place ($250 and ribbon)
Highly Commended (ribbon)
Plus there is a separate Best In Show* award which is selected from all entries and carries a $1,000 prize!
(*This is a stand alone award and category prize winners are not eligible for Best In Show.)
How to enter
You can enter online at (preferred) or download the Entry Form from the same page. All details regarding sizes and date deadlines are listed on the website.
In addition SAS Art are asking everyone to email a digital image of your entered work as well. The submission of a digital image is a new requirement consistent with many Queensland and interstate art awards. The digital image(s) is to be emailed to:
We hope to see you all there!
Entries close Friday 26 March 2021 - so please get on to finishing your entries!
Delight in Decay by Aleisa Byfield
Klytie Pate Ceramics Exhibition
If you happen to be travelling south soon, this awards’ exhibition showcases contemporary ceramic works from artists across Australia and New Zealand and is well worth a viewing.
Further information regarding the exhibition and entry specifications for next year’s Klytie Pate Award can be found on the website:
When: 5 March 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 15 March 2021 @ 6:00 pm
Where: MACE 145 - 147 High St, Mansfield, Vic 3722 Australia
The Ekka is on again
The quintessential Royal Queensland Show is on again this year in August but it’s not all about who has the best in breed. There are also the Arts categories and entries are all online this year – so it won’t be difficult to put your piece in for a slice of the prizes.
The competition features three classes – representational sculpture inspired by the real world; abstract and/or stylised; and outdoor. Entries often include works sculpted with wood, clay, metal, stone or plaster.
For information on delivery and collection dates, times and location, please read the Important Exhibitor Information.
Entries Close 28 May 2021
How Does Vinegar Bind Clay?
To create a join in your clay construction that is stronger than water or slip alone – try using white vinegar. Since clay is slightly alkaline, the acidity of vinegar makes it act like a glue for clay. Apply it to both surfaces and press the pieces directly together without slipping or scoring. The acidity of the vinegar breaks down the clay a bit, and makes it sticky. Some artists use vinegar straight from the bottle, or add vinegar to clay (instead of water) to make a joining slip. You will find the vinegar in the studio on the shelf near the sink area. Magic in a bottle!
And now for a very technical answer:
Vinegar is used in clay bodies to increase acidity to improve plasticity. The acid works to neutralize sodium ions (from water, leaching feldspars) that tend to deflocculate the clay. However, excessive acid may tend to dissolve more feldspar or nepheline syenite negating the effect.
(A-ha, now I only need to know what deflocculate means – Editor)
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Maybe you have a pottery tip to share or want to ask a pottery question.
Send to the editor here
President: Tamara Vitale
Vice President: Ken Bull
Secretary: Caroline Schleimer
Acting Treasurer: Tamara Vitale
Committee Members: Gus Saunders, Linda Rosenthal,
Clare Houston & Ann Gillespie
Newsletter Editor: Ed Trost
and follow us on