September 2022
ISSUE #024
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Hello Potters
Expressions 2022 exhibition is just around the corner (4 weeks and 1 day till artwork delivery, to be precise) and so is the 4017 Bayside Open Studios a few weeks later – it will be here before you know it. So get your skates on and make something spectacular. If you haven’t already, put your hand up to volunteer for the exhibition, as many hands make light work. Contact the committee and let them know you are willing to help.
There are some more useful pottery tips from the ‘Creative Wisdom’ newsletters further down that may make your creative pottery life much easier. Plus we have popped all the tips, hacks and techniques onto a ‘Tips’ page on our club website so that you can refer to them easily.
We really want to see our talented members’ work, so upload your pics to our instagram or facebook page, or email them for inclusion on social media.
Ed Trost - newsletter editor
club email:
Hi Everyone and welcome to our September 2022 edition.
Expressions 2022
Can you believe that we’re now only a few weeks away from Expressions?! Our kilns will be running hot over the next week or so getting the final firings done for entries. So please ensure you let the kiln team know if your firing is an entry so we can make sure we get it through for you.
If you’re interested in volunteering to help at Expressions, either with set up, on the entry desk or the sales table, or for the pack down, then please email the committee and let us know your availability.
September Saturday shed closing times
We have the final 3 weeks of our current beginners hand building course this month, so the shed will be on reduced open times - between 9am to 12.15pm on those Saturday’s; and will then resume our regular hours of 9am to 1pm.
On the Expressions weekend, Saturday 1 October, we will provide advice on our Facebook page as to whether we have a volunteer available to open that weekend or not.
Upcoming events to think about
Before we know it October will be here and so will the 4017 Bayside Open Studios event (see the article further below for more information) and our Annual General Meeting - date to be confirmed. We need more members to volunteer to join the management committee to assist as general committee members or to take on one of the executive roles, so some of our current committee members can have a break. If you’d like to nominate to assist us on the committee, or if you have any questions about the roles, please let us know via email.
I hope you enjoy this months newsletter!
Cheers and happy potting!
Tamara Vitale – President, SPC Inc.
Tuesday + Thursday + Saturday Mornings
Wednesday Mornings
Thursday Evenings
$7.00 per visit, payable at the time by debit or credit card at the shed.
From the Kiln Corner
I am missing Gus and his help and knowledge. But we have a new person learning about the kilns and working with me loading and unloading. So, a big thank you to Jean for her help. And Kathy is signed up to help when she returns from holidaying.
Kiln room is busy, busy. We are putting in our 62nd firing of the year on Sunday. Some Expressions pieces have been fired and some waiting to be fired. So make sure you get your pottery in so it will be ready on time. And don’t forget we are opening the studio for two weekends in October (middle of the month) for the 4017 art tour. We plan to make the back room a gallery and put plinths in to show case the work. Or, if you want you can put tables up in the court yard with your wares. So two great exhibitions to show and sell your wares.
Obviously we will be extra busy next month and into October with Expressions and then 4017. We are looking for volunteers for both in sales, setup and take down and wheel throwers for 4017, and also people willing to chat with the visitors.
We are trying to keep a variety of clay available. If you want anything in particular ask me or leave me a note and I will see about getting it. Some things remain unavailable or difficult to get.
Linda, Jean, Catharine and Gabriel
Expressions 2022
and 4017 Bayside Open Studios
It is that time again for Expressions and the second 4017 Bayside Open Studios. It is time to get some spectacular pieces ready for both events. The Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. will be hosting the Expressions Exhibition to be held in the Callan Centre at St Patrick’s College commencing with opening night on Friday 30th September. The exhibition will run until Sunday 2nd October. This is a major event for the club and places us squarely in the 4017 arts community.
Please let one of the committee know if you are able to help in any way. Some ways in which you can help include set up or pull down, manning the members’ sale table, the registration desk, or the food servery on open night. Before the event though there is much to do in promoting, receiving the registrations, gaining donations, and soooo much more…
Any help is much appreciated.
The club is also registered to be part of the 4017 Bayside Open Studios. Last year was the first time the 4017 postcode participated in this event and it was a great success. This year’s dates are the weekends 15/16 October and 22/23 October. Members will be able to be part of it by sharing the pottery shed to display works for sale and by demonstrating pottery techniques to the public. More will be coming about this as we get closer to the event.
For more information on the Open Studios see
is coming!!!
With even bigger prizes
for winners this year
midnight Thursday 15 September
Select from the following
to enter your artwork in the exhibition
Artist's entry form (judged exhibition)
$50 and Under sales table entry form (non-judged)*
*use the ‘$50 and Under’ Entry form for items that you wish to sell
for $50 or under – for all other entries use the ‘Artists’ form
Friday 30 September – Sunday 2 October 2022
The Callan Centre, St. Patrick’s College, Pier Ave, Shorncliffe
Artwork drop off
Thursday 29 September
11am - 2pm
Artwork pick up
Sunday 2 October
2pm - 3pm
Do you know anyone that shows an interest in your pottery?
If you do, why not invite them to come and try pottery for themselves. The first session is free and you know that once you have made something with clay…
you’re hooked!
Gift Certificates Available
The SPCI Gift Certificate is now available for purchase from the Membership Officer. If you would like to purchase this wonderful gift contact Ann G. here at:
Club Clay Options and Details
These are the current clay bodies that we generally have in our store. If you have another clay that you prefer, speak to Linda to see if she can get it in for you.
Being Respectful, Feeling Safe
The club’s Code of Conduct was written to guide the safety and respect of members. Developing friendships, being co-operative, sharing ideas and skills as well as being respectful to each other in words and actions is something in which the club takes great pride. When members are working in the studio or interacting with other members via electronic means, everyone has a right to feel safe and not harrassed.
The Code of Conduct can be found in your membership document or you can request a copy from the Membership Officer here or you can read it here.
Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. has signed up with Containers for Change - a simple recycling system for cans and bottles. It’s easy to do. Take your recyclables to a Containers for Change site and use our unique Scheme ID number for the money from the recycling to go directly into the Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. bank account.
Club’s Scheme ID Number: C10465553
If the Scheme ID isn't working (argh technology!) and you get cash instead from the recycling machine, just pop the money in the tea jar in the club’s kitchenette.
amount recycled to date:
thank you!
More Hand Building With Gabriel
The hand building workshop with Gabriel is progressing well by all accounts with the participants now bisque-ing their creations from the first 3 weeks. Can’t wait to see how they turn out.
Club Tuition for Members
by Members
Tuition could be in wheel throwing, handbuilding or glaze making. The rate is $35 per session for up to 3 hours, but could be less dependent upon session length. From this, the club will take 20% commission. All payments must go via the club.
The club entry fee of $7 will apply for the learner member, but the tutor will be admitted as a volunteer for that session.
If this is something that you would like as a tutor or a learner please contact the committee using the club email :
Einbunpin Festival Stall Review
The Einbunpin Festival stall was a huge success. Thank you to the numerous volunteers who gave up part of their Sunday to man the stall and sell our wonderful pottery. It really does depend on your time and involvement to make this event happen. And a Big Thank You to Tamara and Linda for organising the event, without their drive this stall would not have eventuated.
Some of the pottery on sale at Einbunpin
Raffle Donations Required
Calling for donations for the Expressions 2022 Raffle. This is a popular prize at every Expressions exhibition, so thank you in advance for your generosity. Suggestions for the raffle include: wine, food, books, chocolate, pottery, gift vouchers etc. Please place your donation in the basket on the table in the pottery shed. Tickets are available from the club at $2 each or 3 for $5 with the winner drawn at Expressions. The winner’s result will appear on the SPCI website on the Expressions page after the exhibition has closed. For further information chat to Linda R.
Have you been watching?
Series 5 of The Great Pottery Throwdown
Thursdays 8:30pm
The Lifestyle Channel on Foxtel
Because of its popularity the show is repeated on Friday mornings at 9:00am
and again on Sunday afternoons at 5:30pm.
Don’t miss it!
Windmill Pottery is closing down
Unfortunately Windmill Pottery is closing down but they will be having a massive pottery sale at the end of September and everything must go!
Buy 4 pieces and get 1 for free!
9am - 4pm Friday 30th September to Saturday 1st October 2022
756 Mount Cotton Rd, Sheldon QLD 4157
Starting prices as cheap as $5.50!
All pieces are hand made with the local Quandamooka Clay! So come on in and support your local artists and buy some beautiful hand made pottery in their big sale!
Crackpot Cup Competition
Calling all creatives Australia-wide. We are excited to announce entries are now open!
There are 3 categories: Functional, Industrial & Hippie Dippie.
Entry fee: $30 per cup
First prize: $500; Second & third prizes: $200 each; Peoples choice: $100
Finalists announced: 3 October 2022
Exhibition of finalist cups: 25 October – 13 November
Crackpot Studios & Gallery, 20 Lawrence St, Freshwater NSW 2096
Deadline for entries: 26 September 2022
To all our valued members who are having a birthday this month, we hope you have an exciting day and are spoilt rotten by your loved ones:
Angela Anderson, Angela Bennett, Catharine Bennett, Coralie Bolton, Jenny Chirnside, Tara Cross, Natasha Davis, Kym Donaldson, Ruth Hayden, Diane Horner, Gabriel Knauth, Isabella LeCole, Rebecca Mason, Karen Roberts, Theressa Sutton, Michelle Wylie.
If we have missed anybody, our sincere apologies – drop us an email so that we can include you next time!
On again at Currumbin Beach is the annual SWELL Sculpture Festival now in its 20th year. Featuring over 70 sculptures (usually including some ceramic works) installed along the beach and the foreshore. It is a brilliant day out so take the whole family to see some amazing art.
TIP: To avoid the parking debacle that occurs there on the weekends, park at the Currumbin RSL carpark and catch the free continuous shuttle bus to the festival.
9 – 18 September 2022
Currumbin Beach
4017 Bayside Open Studios
15 – 16 & 22 – 23 October 2022
Shorncliffe Pottery Club Inc. will again be open to the public with demonstrations and items for sale, for both weekends. If you wish to participate in this fantastic opportunity to show your wares through the club contact the committee using the link below, to let them know of your interest.
Also, we need volunteers to demonstrate hand building and wheel throwing and to help manage the studio during the two weekends. So put up your hand if you can spare some time across any of the four days.
50 Years of Handy Hints
We are fortunate to have received a very useful book titled “Collected Wisdom – 50 years of handy hints” from the Ceramic Study Group, Australia supplied to us by Clare H. from her trip to Gulgong. It is a collection of tips and techniques gathered and published in their newsletters since the 1960’s. Each month we will delve into this vast archive of information regarding all things ceramics and bring to you snippets of their collected wisdom.
MARCH 1982
Avoid "S" cracks in mugs by removing a small portion of the foot ring (this relieves tension at the base of the mug ). It also has the advantage of allowing water to escape when placed in the dishwasher and stops wax "burps" when dipping the foot in wax.
Before adding handles: Moisten hands and immerse mug in water.
July 1983
Talc can be used to help prevent clay from sticking to rolling pins and working surfaces. Also good for decorating stamps getting stuck after repeated use.
March 1985
Elastic bandages are ideal for wrapping large sculptural ceramics to provide support during drying - the bandage shrinks with the clay. Bandages are available in a variety of widths and lengths and end can be secured with the accompanying clip.
JULY 1986
An inexpensive vegetable peeler from your local supermarket is a good tool to make facets on small pots.
Lid Wax Recipe
To stop lids sticking when firing Earthenware
Add 60ml (1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons) Alumina Hydrate to 125ml wax to create a special wax for firing lids on pots. When the wax burns off, the powdered, refractory alumina hydrate will stay behind, leaving a chalky resist.
This mixture can also be applied to clay props (wasters) to avoid them sticking.
Chipped rim from lid sticking to rim.
President: Tamara Vitale
Vice President: Ken Bull
Secretary: Caroline Schleimer
Acting Treasurer: Tamara Vitale
Committee Members: Gus Saunders, Linda Rosenthal,
Clare Houston & Ann Gillespie
Newsletter Editor: Ed Trost
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